Fruit & Vegetables

Pears Bosc Kg
$11.99 per kg
Pears Corella Red Kg
$9.99 each
Pears Nashi Kg
$13.99 per kg
Pears Packham Kg
$11.99 per kg
Pineapple Ea
$7.99 each
Pineapple Slices Ea
$9.99 each
Plums Red Kg
$26.99 per kg
Pomegranate Each
$6.99 each
Pre Packed Garlic 500g
$4.99 each $1.00 per 100g
Pumpkin Butternut Whole Kg
$3.69 per kg
Pumpkin Kent Whole Kg
$3.99 per kg
Pumpkin Queensland Blue Kg
$1.99 per kg
Raspberries Punnet 125g
$12.99 each $103.92 per kg
Rockmelon Chunks 380g
$7.99 each $21.03 per kg
Rockmelon Ea
$11.99 each
Rockmelon Slices Ea
$8.99 each
Salad, Healthstyle, Aussie Mix (​300g)
$8.99 each $3.00 per 100g
Salad, Homestyle, Mescalin Mix (​150g)
$4.99 each $3.33 per 100g
Shallots Kg
$12.99 per kg
Silverbeet Bunch Ea
$3.49 each
Sliced Oinion 400g
$6.99 each $1.75 per 100g
Snacking Baby Carrots 200g
$4.29 each $2.15 per 100g
Snow Pea, Sprouts (​100g)
$5.99 each $5.99 per 100g
Spinach, Baby, Homestyle (​150g)
$4.99 each $33.27 per kg
Strawberries & Blueberries 220g
$6.99 per kg
Strawberries 250g
$5.99 each $23.96 per kg
Strawberries Punnet 500g
$14.99 each $29.98 per kg
Strawberries Punnet 250g
$5.99 each $23.96 per kg
Sugar Snap Peas 200g
$5.99 each $29.95 per kg
Swedes Kg
$8.99 per kg
Sweet Corn Ea
$3.49 each
$5.99 each $11.98 per kg
Taro Kg
$29.99 per kg
Tggc Brussel Sprouts 200g
$5.99 each $3.00 per 100g
Tggc Gold Squash 300g
$5.99 each $2.00 per 100g
Tggc Mandarins Netted Kg
was $9.99 $6.99 per kg
Tggc Oranges Navel Bag 2kg
$6.99 each $3.50 per kg
Tggc Snow Peas 200g
$6.99 each $3.50 per 100g
The Good Grocer Collection Afro Parsley 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Bay Leaves 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Chives 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Curry Leaves 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Dill 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Fresh Italian Parsley 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Oregano 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Rosemary 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
The Good Grocer Collection Thyme 10g
$2.99 each $2.99 per 10g
Tomato Medley Mix 200g
$5.99 each $18.72 per kg
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